Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dalit ‘Christians and Muslims’ demand SC Status

Bruce K. Thangkhal
New Delhi, July 22, 2010: In demanding Scheduled Caste status under Indian Constitution, the Christians and Muslims of Dalit communities held rally here in Parliament Street on July 21.

The rally was organised by the National Council of Dalit Christians (NCDC), Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI), National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), All India Pasmanda Muslim Mahza, and All India Jamiat-Ul-Hawareen.

Denial of Constitutional Rights
The third paragraph of the Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order of 1950, popularly known as the Presidential Order, stipulates that “no person who professes a religion different from Hinduism shall be deemed to be a member of Scheduled Caste.”

This Order has been amended twice; once in 1956 to include Dalit Sikhs in Scheduled Caste and later in 1990 to include the Dalit Buddhists. But Christians and Muslims of Dalit origins were left behind. This denied them the status in accordance with the deprivations that they face. They suffer social exclusion in every sphere of life. Dalit Christians has been fighting against this draconian order for over 60 years.

Rev. Fr. A. X. J. Bosco S.J., Advisor, National Council of Dalit Christians, said, “Most of the political parties, except BJP has supported our demand. Till now twelve State Governments and Union Territories have recommended to Union of India for granting the SC status to the Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims.”

“On 22 April, 2010, National Commission for Scheduled Castes had fully acknowledged and endorsed the recommendation of the National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities (NCRLM) concerning the deletion of Paragraph 3 of the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950 for extending the Scheduled Castes status to Christians and Muslims of Scheduled Castes Origin,” Fr. Bosco added.

Members of the organisation told our reporter that the Order of 1950 is inconsistent with Article 14, 15, 16 and 25 of the Constitution that guarantee equality of opportunity, freedom of conscience and protect the citizens from discrimination by the State on grounds of religion, caste or creed.

Rev. Raj Bharath Patta, Executive Secretary, National Council of Churches in India, said, “Today we are protesting peacefully in demanding our constitutional rights. A Writ Petition No. 180/2004 praying for the deletion of the said Para 3 is still laying pending in the Supreme Court, for the past 6 years and the Congress government has not given any answer so far, to the query of the Supreme Court. Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims must be given their legitimate rights without further delaying.”

In 1929 Christians of depressed classes of South India submitted a Memorandum to the Simon Commission for the first time. The depressed class spoke to the Commission, raises the issues, and reports about the sufferings of Dalit Christians in India.

Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims all over India are greatly disappointed over unjustifiable delay by the Congress led UPA Government in implementing the Justice Ranganath Misra Commission’s recommendations.

The National Council of Dalit Christians demands the Central Government to take an urgent action on the NCRLM report, particularly to the Additional Term of Reference for granting the Scheduled Christians and Muslims of Scheduled Castes Origin.

The Council also demands appropriate answer should be given to the query of the Supreme Court to the Writ Petitions demanding deletion of the unjust paragraph 3 of the Constitution Scheduled Castes Order 1950’ and to extend Scheduled Caste status to Muslims and Christians of Scheduled Caste Origin.

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