Delhi Police vs Committee for Justice
This was stated today during the press conference at
Press Club of India by the Committee for Justice and Release of Rahul
Moirangthem (CJRR) which constitutes a research scholar and student activist
from JNU Mr Thothuingam Shinglai, Dr Alana Golmei of North East Support Centre
& Helpline (NESCH), Mr David Boyes of North East India Forum Against Racism
(NEIFAR), Mr Roshmani, advocate, and Ms Supriya Moirangthem, sister of Rahul
Rahul and his two friends, who tried to take photographs
infront of the main gate of their school on the night of May 28, 2015 at around
9PM were apprehended by Delhi Police, who were present outside of the school
gate. Two of his friends were later released on the ground of juvenile while
Rahul was held back by the cops.
Rahul Moirangthem has been arrested in connection with
the alleged vandalizing of Holy Child Auxilium School in Poorvi Marg, Vasant
Vihar, south Delhi. This incident occured on 13 Feb 2015 at around 3AM.
Delhi Police gave out wrong information to the mainstream
media which was widely published across the country on July 14, 2015.
Some of the headlines carried by the mainstream media
“Police claims to have solved burglary of Auxilium
“No hate crime, school in Vasant Vihar was burgled”
“Teenager held for church break-in”
“19-yr-old held for theft at Holy Child Auxilium School”
“Manipuri youth arrested for theft, social media cries
“Burglary at Delhi school solved, Manipuri youth
“Teen arrested for vandalism at Delhi church school”
“Delhi: Manipuri student arrested for theft in Holy Child
Auxilium School”
“He also targeted alma mater”
and the headlines still goes on…….
CASH REWARD OF RS 50,000!!!!
A police officer says as per media reports:
“Identified as Rahul Moirangthem, who hails from Manipur, but was staying at Nanak Pura on rent, the accused and two of his friends had raided Holy Child Auxilium School as a drunken afterthought after an outing in mid-February, said R S Krishnia, Joint CP (Southeast range).
A police officer says as per media reports:
“Identified as Rahul Moirangthem, who hails from Manipur, but was staying at Nanak Pura on rent, the accused and two of his friends had raided Holy Child Auxilium School as a drunken afterthought after an outing in mid-February, said R S Krishnia, Joint CP (Southeast range).
The incident on the night of February 12, a senior police
officer recalled, had triggered a political hue and cry across the Capital with
members of the Christian community alleging vindictiveness.
The Delhi Police had then declared a cash reward of Rs.
50,000 on the heads of its perpetrators, two of whom still remain at large. The
case was transferred to the Special Task Force (STF) of the South district.”
How can Rahul vandalized Holy Child Auxilium School on
Feb 13, 2015?
On Feb 13, 2015 afternoon, Rahul appeared for Special
Revision Examination in his back subject — Accountancy. This was proved and
testified by his class teacher who wrote: “Rahul appeared for test on 13-2-15”.
Rahul was forcibly made to sign on 4 blank sheets by
Delhi Police and his fingerprints were also taken on 4 different papers on the
night of 29 May 2015!
Rahul is not aware of the existence of Holy Child
Auxilium School and has never been there.
But police alleged that Rahul’s fingerprint matches with
a fingerprint found in the principal’s office of Holy Child Auxilium School!
Rahul’s family said Delhi Police has taken Rahul twice to
Holy Child Auxilium and was being videotaped each time.
Various mainstream media reported on July 14 says “Rahul
had hit his girlfriend with a beer bottle when she wanted to break up with her.
She suffered a serious injury to her eye and remained hospitalized for a
While Rahul’s family says his girlfriend has given us a
video clip stating that it was not a beer bottle actually it was plastic water
bottle which accidentally hit her head while Rahul was passing it to her.
Media also reported “Rahul admitted that he entered Delhi
Tamil Education Association School. They had escaped after the guards got
But Rahul completed Class X from South India Baptist
Matriculation School in Coimbatore, run by a Bible College.
Media reported “Rahul is feared by everyone in Mount
Carmel School, South Campus”.
What does Rahul’s friends said today during the press
“Rahul is an innocent and kind person. We love him very much. We want justice for Rahul….” they demanded.
“Rahul is an innocent and kind person. We love him very much. We want justice for Rahul….” they demanded.
Friends of Rahul started a signature campaign for Rahul.
Many of his classmates are supporting for the justice of Rahul and are willing
to speak in media and other platform.
In the first FIR registered (u/s 457/380/34 IPC 1860) in
Vasant Vihar Police Station (South Distt.) by the Principal of Holy Child
Auxilium School on 13 Feb 2015 states: “On Friday 13th February 2015, Holy
Child Auxilium School, Poorvi Marg, Vasant Vihar School Principal’s office and
administrative office were found broke open. This was noticed by the mid around
6AM. CCTV cameras were damaged and disconnected. The children’s charity Boxes
kept in the school office were broken and cash found missing. From the
Principal office approximately Rs. 12,000/- is missing. A few confiscated
mobiles of the students were also found missing. The almirah drawers are also
found open. The back door of the school auditorium has also been broke open. It
seems someone who knows well about the school campus is involved. ”
Here it clearly mentioned that “someone who knows well
about the school campus is involved”.
Is Rahul familiar of this school?
“No Rahul had never been and knew either,” says Rahul’s
The Principal of Mt Carmel School issued as certificate
which states “Rahul Moirangthem has done no harm/damage or any physical injury
either to the School property or to any staff”.
If so, how could Rahul harm others?
The second FIR was registered (u/s 457/380/511/34 IPC
1860) in South Campus Police Station in the name of ASI Ram Niwas on 29 May
Rahul belongs to a Christian family and it is hard to
believe he involved in vandalizing a Christian institute.
Of course, there was many media reports on incidents of
vandalizing Christian institutes and churches by anti-Christians earlier this
Is Rahul, a Christian boy, being implicated as a
scapegoat by Delhi Police?
“All these allegations have been wrongly cooked up by the
cops to tarnish/harm the social image of Rahul Moirangthem and strengthen the
case of Holy Chld Auxilium School,” the Committee for Justice and Release of
Rahul Moirangthem (CJRR) stated.
The Committee for Justice and Release of Rahul
Moirangthem (CJRR) has strongly objected and condemned the arrest of an
innocent northeast youth, Rahul Moirangthem on the charge of fabricated
The committee also appeal justice for Rahul; demanding an
immediate release from incarceration unconditionally, take strong action
against police involved in implicating innocent Rahul; and media should write
the real stories of Rahul Moirangthem.
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